At about 9:15 a.m. I saw a hiker rounding a corner and walking toward me. I knew immediately that it was Just Awesome. As soon as he saw me, he had a big grin and I’m sure I had the same. I was relieved to see I hadn’t missed him.
We talked for several minutes, but it wasn’t possible to catch each other up on all that has happened in the last two-and-a-half months.
I knew Just Awesome, or JA as we sometimes called him, had hiked for a time with some of the other tramily members who jumped ahead of the Sierra because of near-record snowfall. He told me they attempted to hike north before running into more snow.
JA eventually split from them so he could hike at a faster pace because he was intent on finishing the entire trail.
Forgive me for sharing this spoiler, but I’m pleased to say JA continued hiking all the way to the Canadian border, then flipped to complete his remaining miles in the Sierra. The odds of finishing a thru-hike aren’t good for any hiker, but when we departed I knew he would do it.