Now that the end of this long hike is in sight, my family and I are trying to answer those questions. Kim and our two sons have been working on arrangements to get to Maine, but this has not been as easy as it might seem.
Age and legs notwithstanding, my hiking speed is partly dependent on the terrain of the trail and the weather.
Hiking guides can only give me a guess about the difficulty of the terrain. And although the weather has been cooperating for the last couple weeks, I can’t be certain that will be the case for the next two weeks.
So for now, I can only make an educated calculation of when I will reach Mt. Katahdin and hope the plans my family make to get there time out correctly.
There's an additional complication added to the planning. After I summit Katahdin I want to return to New Hampshire and hike the miles I skipped when I took a couple days off to heal my ankle.
Kim has been working intensely on a plan for our two sons and her to meet me at Baxter State Park. We talked about it last night, but more details need to be worked out. She’s discovering it’s difficult to make hotel reservations in Maine and New Hampshire at this time of year because it’s the peak leaf viewing season.