I knew I needed to follow through with flipping up to Washington after the snow melted. This decision made me more confident I could keep my commitment to hike every mile of the PCT. It would also help to ensure I enjoyed my time on the trail. Tromping over miles of snow wasn’t my idea of fun.
The rest of the crew had similar goals, but they were still sorting out how they wanted to achieve them. Some spoke of wanting to jump north of the Sierra to find a snowless stretch. I considered that, but could see from snow reports that there was clear trail only for a couple hundred miles. Eventually, any direction they would go in May or June would be hitting more snow.
Falls wanted to keep going into the Sierra. He seemed intent on walking northbound regardless of the conditions, and being young and experienced, he was capable of being successful.
To take a break and sort out their plans, the tramily talked of jumping ahead to South Lake Tahoe for a week-long break. I was invited to go with them, but it didn’t feel like the right move for me.
I began making subtle and not-so-subtle suggestions for them to flip to Washington with me in July. There seemed to be some interest, but no one would commit to it.
Mostly, I think, they just needed more time to figure out what to do next. This was a confusing time for all of us. None of our options seemed like the best one.