When we returned to the Pine House Cafe, it was still not open, but we didn’t have to wait long before we were allowed to enter.
With several customers entering at once, the waitress was a bit overwhelmed while trying to take food orders. Seeing that, the manager stepped in and said, “We’re going to do things differently.”
Tengo blurted out a reply, which he intended as a joke. “More professional?” he asked.
The manager stopped and gave him a stern look, and he attempted to apologize.
When we returned to our table we jokingly gave him a hard time about his comment. Tengo said, “They’re going to bring me scrambled eggs with spit, spit and spit.”
One of the items on the breakfast menu was called the Hootenanny, and that gave Tengo an idea. He suggested “Hootenanny" would be a good trail name for Luis because he still likes to shout “Woo hoo!"
Service was so slow we didn’t leave the restaurant until after 12:15 p.m. Still, I felt a little bad about how we all descended upon the business with only three employees trying to run it. I left a generous tip and Tengo did too.
As we were leaving, we saw the Smiths, the family we met on the trail yesterday. They seemed as appreciative as we had been to find the restaurant was open.