Our daylight faded quickly as we prepared dinner. We had to finish eating and clean up with the light from our headlamps.
Although we were only on the trail for about half of the day, it was an enjoyable start to our hike. I was already seeing a stark contrast between the Foothills Trail and the Pinhoti Trail, which I finished just five months ago.
Nothing was left to chance on the FHT. Directional signs were posted at every junction. Bridges crossed nearly every stream. Blazes painted at regular intervals were reminders you were on the correct footpath. Except for one blowdown, the trail was clear the whole way.
Volunteer crews put so much effort into maintaining this trail that it almost felt overdone. I'm not complaining. I'm only marveling at what I saw compared to trails like the Pinhoti and the CDT. On those, I needed to stay constantly mindful of where I was and where I needed to go. Even the Appalachian Trail wasn't as buttoned up as this trail.
I've never hiked a trail quite like the Foothills Trail. I shouldn't get too used to it, though. I'm only going to be on it for five more days.