Though I had started the day a little out of sorts, it turned out to be a good one. Of course, the best part was talking to Kim when I didn’t expect I would be able to call her.
There were other reasons earlier that also made today enjoyable. The weather was wonderful, there were some good views, and I got to see some friends I met during the first days of my hike.
And to put a fitting end to the day, our anniversary day, my campsite was covered in purple flowers, Kim’s favorite color.
I was missing Kim, but also I felt content to be on the trail. I could comfortably feel that way because I have a lifelong partner who wants me to be happy, just as I want her to be happy. We both like to laugh, and that helps a lot.
On our wedding day forty years ago today, one of Kim’s relatives let slip that he didn’t think our marriage would last. Each year on this day we have a nice chuckle over that.