From the forest, I could see across the valley to Chimney Rock Falls, which was tumbling from the side of Chimney Rock. The mountain’s peak was hidden from view by clouds, as was the summit of its nearest neighbor, Summit Chief Mountain.
The time was now past 6 p.m., so once I reached the bottom of the valley floor, I began to keep an eye open for a possible campsite. The area was called Lemah Meadow and was mostly flat.
The trail guide identified a couple of camping spots, but finding them wasn’t easy. The valley was thickly covered with shrubs and trees. It wasn't grassy, as you would expect for a meadow.
My campsite search was interrupted when I met a section hiker. He told me I looked like Harvey Manning.
I didn't know who that was, but I assured him I was definitely not Manning. Then his buddy walked up. The first man pointed to me and said, “Doesn’t he look like Harvey Manning?”
The second man heartily agreed. They explained Manning was a local hiking legend.
They neglected to mention he died in 2006. Perhaps they didn’t know that.
Anyway, I repeated that I wasn’t him and then politely said goodbye.