Attempting to hitchhike was futile. A few large trucks passed us, but only one car stopped. The driver had just one seat available, so we thanked him and said we would continue to wait.
The cell signal here was not very good, but Gilligan was able to get enough of a signal to call a shuttle driver named Sebastian. He said he could pick us up for $60 and could carry all six of us. That didn’t include MJ and Sherbet, though, who had not yet arrived at the road.
A short time later, they walked up. We told them about our shuttle driver and said maybe they could fit in too, even though we had no idea how big his vehicle was.
MJ and Sherbet decided they would attempt to hitch, but that didn’t work out any better for them than it had for us.
When Sebastian arrived, he had no problem taking all of us, though it was a tight squeeze in his Toyota Forerunner.