The only view of note in the last half of the day came around 6 p.m. when Fourmile Lake could be seen through the trees.
Continuing down the uninspiring trail, I received a surprising text message from Sunkist on my Garmin InReach. She had just reached the road leading to Fish Lake.
“You’ll never guess who’s here!!!!!” her message said. “MJ!”
Sunkist told me MJ was camping tonight at the trailhead and urged us to get there. Unfortunately, I was still at least three hours away and the time had already passed 6:30 p.m.
I was disappointed I couldn’t get to the road in time to see MJ tonight but hoped to see her there in the morning.
Although I had been able to pick up the pace in the afternoon, I still felt I was walking slower than I wished. The hour was getting late and the sky was beginning to darken.
As I approached the campsite where I thought Dave had stopped, I laughed when I saw a flashing red light.
Dave had set his headlamp on a log and put it on a flashing mode as a joke because of the way we almost missed each other today.
A comment in the Guthooks trail guide app described this campsite as "mosquito hell,” and that turned out to be too accurate. I was forced to eat dinner in my tent. While doing so, I tried to forget that another comment said there had been bears in the area last year.