After only about five miles of hiking I came to a stream. I needed to stop for water, and though it was a little early I decided to also eat my lunch here. As I was finishing, Stick in the Woods came around the bend. When he spotted me, he said, “Hello, friend!”
It’s funny how words like that can disarm you. When I first met Stick a few days ago, I was a bit stand-offish to him. He seemed at the time a little too talkative for someone I wanted to be around.
But when he said, “Hello, friend,” I forgot that. I was glad to be his friend, even if I barely knew him.
We had a nice chat as I packed up my lunch and water, then we continued the conversation as we walked down the trail.
As we walked, Stick and I discovered we had several things in common. Among them, we had both been boy scouts in our youth and had been leaders as adults. We had two sons who were Eagle scouts. Our spouses were educators. In fact, we both had the same last name.
Stick also told me about his hobby of model railroading. He is very intensely involved in that, and has done a lot of research into the East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad, which he's used as the basis for his models.
That was interesting to me because I had hiked over some of that railroad's original road bed several days ago.