There are downsides to trail magic, though. For one, hiker feeds can take the edge off hiking. They make it a little too easy to become comfortable and complacent, and make you less interested in hiking.
Sure, everyone wants to be comfortable and complacent now and then, but as the saying goes, Maine isn't going to walk to me. I can only be comfortable and complacent for a short time before I need to get moving.
Staying in motels can make a hiker soft too, though you could hardly call the Super 8 Motel in Erwin luxurious. Still, staying here last night allowed me to wash clothing and dry out gear. Also, the free breakfast gave me an adequate start for a big day of hiking.
I had plenty of time to eat a big meal and get packed. Skittles had arranged for the same shuttle driver we used yesterday to pick us up, but the earliest she could do that was 10:30.
Tentpole didn't want to go with us. I wasn't sure of his plans, but I knew hiking was not going to be a high priority for him. When I left our room to wait for the shuttle, he was still in bed.