On the other side of the ridge and down the trail a bit was a short side trail to Blackstack Cliffs.
Despite its name, the rock is actually made of white quartzite. It just looks black from a distance.
This area provides a nesting area for peregrine falcons, some of the fastest animals on earth. Peregrines are capable of reaching speeds up to 200 mph.
Though they are one of the most widespread birds in the world, peregrines were nearly wiped out in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s by pesticide poisoning.
Thankfully, after DDT use was banned and peregrines were placed on the Endangered Species List, their numbers rebounded. In fact, they recovered so well they were removed from the list in 1999.
I had been to Blackstack Cliffs a few times before, so I decided to skip the side trail this time. The weather was too nasty to make it worthwhile.
I also knew that rain had been predicted to start at 2:00 p.m., and by this time it was already 2:20. I wanted keep going to reach Jerry Cabin Shelter.